Uses of Interface

Packages that use Repository

Uses of Repository in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact

Fields in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact declared as Repository
protected  Repository DefaultArtifactManager.deliverablesRepository
          The Repository implementation to use for storing deliverables

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact with parameters of type Repository
 void DefaultArtifactManager.setDeliverablesRepository(Repository repository)
          Set the repository to use for storing deliverables.
 void ArtifactManager.setDeliverablesRepository(Repository repository)
          Set the repository to use for storing deliverables.

Uses of Repository in

Classes in that implement Repository
 class AbstractStructuredRepository
          This is a base class for structured repository, ie: repository having a root (path, URL or whatever ...) and storing artifacts using an internal tree-styled structure.
 class SimpleFileSystemRepository
          This is a simple implementation of a Repository using the local file system as a storage area for Artifacts.
 class VFSRepository
          This is an implementation of Repository using Jakarta VFS Commons.

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