Interface Artifact

All Known Implementing Classes:
Assembly, Build, Component, Deliverable

public interface Artifact

An Artifact is an object resulting from human or automated activity. Thus in Join, an artifact represents a piece of work (realized by your development team or your buid process) that you want to trace and track.
In order to organize this tracking, artifacts will have common attributes such as : the release they have been realized for, a version identifier, a category identifier (for types artifact) and also a unique identifier.
External process using artifacts (such as repository services) shall not been allowed to modify an artifact informations without knowing its real structure. Thus this interface only exposes getter style methods ...

$Revision: 1.3 $
Laurent Broudoux

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCategoryInfo()
          Return the category information on this artifact (or null is this artifact implementation is not typed).
 Release getRelease()
          Retrieve the release that has cause this artifact creation
 java.lang.String getUniqueId()
          Retrieve the unique identifier of this artifact.
 java.lang.String getVersionInfo()
          Retrieve the version information on this artifact.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getUniqueId()
Retrieve the unique identifier of this artifact. Artifact identifiers should -at least- be unique for same artifact implementation. Correct implementations will guarantee id unicity amongst all artifacts

This artifact unique identifier


java.lang.String getVersionInfo()
Retrieve the version information on this artifact.

Version information as character string


java.lang.String getCategoryInfo()
Return the category information on this artifact (or null is this artifact implementation is not typed).

The category information as character string


Release getRelease()
Retrieve the release that has cause this artifact creation

The release this artifact has been realized for

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