Uses of Class

Packages that use JoinAction

Uses of JoinAction in org.figure8.join.control.action

Subclasses of JoinAction in org.figure8.join.control.action
 class AssemblyActions
          This is a Struts action for managing and viewing assemblies in Join system.
 class BrowseLogsActions
          A simple Struts action for viewing directory and file content.
 class BuildActions
          This is a Struts action for managing and viewing assemblies within Join system.
 class ComponentActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all the components within Join.
 class ComponentTypeActions
          Struts action used for managing Component categories (types) within Join application
 class ConfigurationActions
 class ConsumerActions
          This is a Struts action for managing the event consumers in Join application.
 class CreateUserAction
          Struts action used for creating User within Join application (this is necessary because this action has a different input form from all other User related actions contained into UserActions).
 class DeliverableActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all the deliverables within Join.
 class DeliverableTypeActions
          Struts action used for managing Deliverable categories (types) within Join application
 class DeploymentActions
          This is a Struts action controller for managind Deployment related operations.
 class DeploymentsActions
          This is a Struts action controller for managing Deployments retrieval related operations.
 class EISMappingActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all operations related to mappings between EIS and Gateways.
 class EnvironmentMappingActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all operations related mappings between Logical and Physical environments.
 class GatewayActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all specific operations related to Gateway entities.
 class LogicalEnvironmentActions
          This is a Struts for managing all operations related to LogicalEnvironment entities.
 class LoginAction
          Struts action used for logging in.
 class LogoutAction
          This action is called when a user wants to log out from the Join system.
 class MachineActions
          Struts action used for managing the physical machines used by software project integration team.
 class MailingListActions
          This is a Struts action for managing Mailing lists and their subscriptions.
 class MessageActions
          Struts action used for managing news messages within Join application.
 class ParameterActions
          Struts action used for managing the parameters used by software project integration team for delpoyments.
 class ParameterValueActions
          Struts action used for managing the parameters values used by software project integration team.
 class PermissionActions
          Struts action set used for creating, saving and retrieving security roles and permissions through Join application.
 class PhysicalEnvironmentActions
          Struts action used for managing physical environments within Join application.
 class QuartzCronActions
          Struts action used for managing crons within Join application.
 class ReleaseActions
          Struts action used for managing the software project Releases and setup the integration process with them.
 class ResourceActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all operations related to AbstractResource entities.
 class ResourceMappingActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all operations related mappings between Resources and Physical environments.
 class ResourceTypeActions
          This is a Struts action for managing all operations related to AbstractResourceType entities.
 class ResourceUpdateActions
          This is a Struts action for manipulating ResourceUpdates domain objects.
 class ResourceVersionActions
          This is a Struts action for managing resource versions.
 class ScriptLogActions
          Struts action for managing the retrieval of script log infos.
 class SetupActions
          Struts action used for setting up Join application
 class StatusActions
          Struts action used for managing Integration process status within Join application
 class StepActions
          Struts action used for managing Integration process steps within Join application
 class TargetActions
          Struts action used for managing targets within Join application.
 class UserActions
          Struts action used for managing Users within Join application

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