Class Summary |
AssemblyActions |
This is a Struts action for managing and viewing assemblies in Join system. |
BrowseLogsActions |
A simple Struts action for viewing directory and file content. |
BuildActions |
This is a Struts action for managing and viewing assemblies within Join system. |
ComponentActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all the components within Join. |
ComponentTypeActions |
Struts action used for managing Component categories (types) within Join application |
ConfigurationActions |
ConsumerActions |
This is a Struts action for managing the event consumers in Join application. |
CreateUserAction |
Struts action used for creating User within Join application (this is necessary
because this action has a different input form from all other User related actions
contained into UserActions ). |
DeliverableActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all the deliverables within Join. |
DeliverableTypeActions |
Struts action used for managing Deliverable categories (types) within Join application |
DeploymentActions |
This is a Struts action controller for managind Deployment related operations. |
DeploymentsActions |
This is a Struts action controller for managing Deployments retrieval related operations. |
EISMappingActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all operations related to mappings between EIS and Gateways. |
EnvironmentMappingActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all operations related mappings between Logical and Physical environments. |
GatewayActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all specific operations related to Gateway entities. |
LogicalEnvironmentActions |
This is a Struts for managing all operations related to LogicalEnvironment entities. |
LoginAction |
Struts action used for logging in. |
LogoutAction |
This action is called when a user wants to log out from the Join system. |
MachineActions |
Struts action used for managing the physical machines used by software
project integration team. |
MailingListActions |
This is a Struts action for managing Mailing lists and their subscriptions. |
MessageActions |
Struts action used for managing news messages within Join application. |
ParameterActions |
Struts action used for managing the parameters used by software
project integration team for delpoyments. |
ParameterValueActions |
Struts action used for managing the parameters values used by software
project integration team. |
PermissionActions |
Struts action set used for creating, saving and retrieving security roles
and permissions through Join application. |
PhysicalEnvironmentActions |
Struts action used for managing physical environments within Join application. |
QuartzCronActions |
Struts action used for managing crons within Join application. |
ReleaseActions |
Struts action used for managing the software project Releases and setup
the integration process with them. |
ResourceActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all operations related to AbstractResource entities. |
ResourceMappingActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all operations related mappings between Resources and Physical environments. |
ResourceTypeActions |
This is a Struts action for managing all operations related to AbstractResourceType entities. |
ResourceUpdateActions |
This is a Struts action for manipulating ResourceUpdates domain objects. |
ResourceVersionActions |
This is a Struts action for managing resource versions. |
ScriptLogActions |
Struts action for managing the retrieval of script log infos. |
SetupActions |
Struts action used for setting up Join application |
StatusActions |
Struts action used for managing Integration process status within Join application |
StepActions |
Struts action used for managing Integration process steps within Join application |
TargetActions |
Struts action used for managing targets within Join application. |
UserActions |
Struts action used for managing Users within Join application |