Uses of Class

Packages that use Deployment

Uses of Deployment in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.environment

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.environment that return Deployment
 Deployment EnvironmentManager.getDeployment(long id)
          Retrieve a Deployment using its unique identifier
 Deployment DefaultEnvironmentManager.getDeployment(long id)
          Retrieve a Deployment using its unique identifier

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.environment with parameters of type Deployment
 void EnvironmentManager.cancelDeployment(Deployment deployment, java.lang.String comments)
          Cancel a deployment process whether it is in preparation phase or in realization phase.
 void DefaultEnvironmentManager.cancelDeployment(Deployment deployment, java.lang.String comments)
          Cancel a deployment process whether it is in preparation phase or in realization phase.
 void EnvironmentManager.createDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Create a Deployment informations : this is the beginning step of a Deployment lifecycle.
 void DefaultEnvironmentManager.createDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Create a Deployment informations : this is the beginning step of a Deployment lifecycle.
 void EnvironmentManager.endDeployment(Deployment deployment, java.lang.String comments)
          End a deployment process : this is the final step into this process.
 void DefaultEnvironmentManager.endDeployment(Deployment deployment, java.lang.String comments)
          End a deployment process : this is the final step into this process.
 void EnvironmentManager.prepareDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Start preparation process of a Deployment : this is the second step of deployment lifecycle.
 void DefaultEnvironmentManager.prepareDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Start preparation process of a Deployment : this is the second step of deployment lifecycle.
 void EnvironmentManager.realizeDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Start the realization process of a Deployment : this is a step that must follow the "prepared" state of deployment.
 void DefaultEnvironmentManager.realizeDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Start the realization process of a Deployment : this is a step that must follow the "prepared" state of deployment.
 void EnvironmentManager.saveDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Save a Deployment informations within datastore (create or update)
 void DefaultEnvironmentManager.saveDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Save a Deployment informations within datastore (create or update)

Uses of Deployment in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.reporting

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.reporting with parameters of type Deployment
 void DefaultEventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentDemandEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the creation of a deployment demand
 void EventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentDemandEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the creation of a deployment demand
 void DefaultEventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentEndEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the end of the deployment realization process
 void EventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentEndEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the end of the deployment realization process
 void DefaultEventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentPreparationEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the beginning of a deployment preparation
 void EventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentPreparationEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the beginning of a deployment preparation
 void DefaultEventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentRealizationEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the begining of a deployment realization
 void EventPublicationManager.publishDeploymentRealizationEvent(Deployment deployment)
          Publish an event corresponding to the begining of a deployment realization

Uses of Deployment in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment that return Deployment
 Deployment EnvironmentMapping.getLastDeployment()
          Convenient method for getting the last deployment done with this mapping.

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment with parameters of type Deployment
 void EnvironmentMapping.addDeployment(Deployment deployment)
          Convenient method for adding a deployment to this mapping and managing the 2 sides of the bidirectionnal relationship.

Uses of Deployment in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment.persistence

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment.persistence that return Deployment
 Deployment HibernateDeploymentDao.getActiveDeploymentForMapping(EnvironmentMapping mapping)
          Retrieve the currently active deployment done using an EnvironmentMapping
 Deployment DeploymentDao.getActiveDeploymentForMapping(EnvironmentMapping mapping)
          Retrieve the currently active deployment done using an EnvironmentMapping
 Deployment HibernateDeploymentDao.getDeployment(long id)
          Retrieve a deployment specified by its identifier
 Deployment DeploymentDao.getDeployment(long id)
          Retrieve a deployment specified by its identifier

Uses of Deployment in

Methods in with parameters of type Deployment
 java.util.Properties DeploymentPropertiesExtractor.extract(Deployment deployment)
          Extract a set of properies from the given deployment.
 java.util.Properties DeploymentPropertiesExtractor.extract(Deployment deployment, java.lang.String prefix)
          Extract a set of properies from the given deployment.

Uses of Deployment in

Methods in with parameters of type Deployment
 boolean YesDeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentCreationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentCreationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when a user wants to ask a new environment update.
 boolean DeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentCreationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentCreationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when a user wants to ask a new environment update.
 boolean YesDeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentEndingAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentEndingAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has begun and user wants to finish it.
 boolean DeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentEndingAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentEndingAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has begun and user wants to finish it.
 boolean YesDeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentPreparationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentPreparationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment is created and user wants to launch the preparation of it.
 boolean DeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentPreparationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentPreparationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment is created and user wants to launch the preparation of it.
 boolean YesDeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentRealizationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentRealizationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has been prepared and user wants to start it (ie : shutting down services and resources, updating them and restarting them).
 boolean DeploymentRuleSet.isDeploymentRealizationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentRealizationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has been prepared and user wants to start it (ie : shutting down services and resources, updating them and restarting them).

Uses of Deployment in org.figure8.join.view

Fields in org.figure8.join.view declared as Deployment
protected  Deployment EnvironmentView.lastDeployment
          The optionnal last deployment completed onto this environment

Methods in org.figure8.join.view that return Deployment
 Deployment EnvironmentView.getLastDeployment()

Constructors in org.figure8.join.view with parameters of type Deployment
EnvironmentView(LogicalEnvironment environment, Deployment lastDeployment)
          Creates a new instance of EnvironmentView

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