Class YesDeploymentRuleSet

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class YesDeploymentRuleSet
extends java.lang.Object
implements DeploymentRuleSet

This is a default implementation of DeploymentRuleSet that always says "Yes" on operation allowed requests.

$Revision: 1.2 $
Laurent Broudoux

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new insatnce of YesDeploymentRuleSet
Method Summary
 boolean isDeploymentCreationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentCreationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when a user wants to ask a new environment update.
 boolean isDeploymentEndingAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentEndingAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has begun and user wants to finish it.
 boolean isDeploymentPreparationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentPreparationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment is created and user wants to launch the preparation of it.
 boolean isDeploymentRealizationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
          The isDeploymentRealizationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has been prepared and user wants to start it (ie : shutting down services and resources, updating them and restarting them).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public YesDeploymentRuleSet()
Creates a new insatnce of YesDeploymentRuleSet

Method Detail


public boolean isDeploymentCreationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
The isDeploymentCreationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when a user wants to ask a new environment update. This demand can be allowed or refused depending on : the Join System state, the hour of demand, a demand already done, ...

Specified by:
isDeploymentCreationAllowed in interface DeploymentRuleSet
deployment - The informations on requested deployment
true if creation is allowed, false otherwise


public boolean isDeploymentPreparationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
The isDeploymentPreparationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment is created and user wants to launch the preparation of it. This demand of preparation can be allowed or refused depending on : the Join System state, the number of update already in preparation, etc ...

Specified by:
isDeploymentPreparationAllowed in interface DeploymentRuleSet
deployment - The informations on requested deployment
true if preparation is allowed, false otherwise


public boolean isDeploymentRealizationAllowed(Deployment deployment)
The isDeploymentRealizationAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has been prepared and user wants to start it (ie : shutting down services and resources, updating them and restarting them). This demand can be allowed or refused depending on : the Join System state, the number of update already running, ...

Specified by:
isDeploymentRealizationAllowed in interface DeploymentRuleSet
deployment - The informations on requested deployment
true if beginning of update is allowed, false otherwise


public boolean isDeploymentEndingAllowed(Deployment deployment)
The isDeploymentEndingAllowed method is called by the environment manager when deployment has begun and user wants to finish it. This demand can be allowed or refused depending on : the Join System state, ...

Specified by:
isDeploymentEndingAllowed in interface DeploymentRuleSet
deployment - The informations on requested deployment
true if ending of update is allowed, false otherwise

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