Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact with parameters of type Release | |
java.util.List |
DefaultAssemblyManager.getAssemblies(Release release)
Retrieve all assemblies created for specified release |
java.util.List |
AssemblyManager.getAssemblies(Release release)
Retrieve all assemblies created for specified release |
java.util.List |
DefaultAssemblyManager.getBuilds(Release release)
Retrieve all builds created for specified release |
java.util.List |
AssemblyManager.getBuilds(Release release)
Retrieve all builds created for specified release |
java.util.List |
DefaultArtifactManager.getComponents(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve a list of components corresponding to the specified type and created into release |
java.util.List |
ArtifactManager.getComponents(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve a list of components corresponding to the specified type and created into release |
java.util.List |
DefaultArtifactManager.getContainedComponents(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve a list of components of the specified type and contained into release |
java.util.List |
ArtifactManager.getContainedComponents(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve a list of components of the specified type and contained into release |
java.util.List |
DefaultArtifactManager.getDeliverables(DeliverableType type,
Release release)
Retrieve a list of deliverables corresponding to the specified type for this release |
java.util.List |
ArtifactManager.getDeliverables(DeliverableType type,
Release release)
Retrieve a list of deliverables corresponding to the specified type for this release |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.commons |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.commons that return Release | |
Release |
IntegrationProcessManager.getRelease(java.lang.String name)
Retrieve a Release of software project using its name |
Release |
DefaultIntegrationProcessManager.getRelease(java.lang.String name)
Retrieve a Release of software project using its name |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.commons with parameters of type Release | |
void |
IntegrationProcessManager.saveRelease(Release release)
Save a release within datastore. |
void |
DefaultIntegrationProcessManager.saveRelease(Release release)
Save a release within datastore. |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.reporting |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.reporting with parameters of type Release | |
java.util.List |
DefaultReportingManager.getMessages(java.util.Date startDate,
java.util.Date endDate,
Release release)
Retrieve the messages published between startDate and endDate for a release |
java.util.List |
ReportingManager.getMessages(java.util.Date startDate,
java.util.Date endDate,
Release release)
Retrieve the messages published between startDate and endDate for a release |
java.util.List |
DefaultReportingManager.getOpenMessages(Release release)
Retrieve the currently opened messages (ie : published) for a release |
java.util.List |
ReportingManager.getOpenMessages(Release release)
Retrieve the currently opened messages (ie : published) for a release |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact that return Release | |
Release |
Retrieve the release that has cause this version creation |
Release |
Retrieve the release that has cause this artifact creation |
Release |
Retrieve the release that has cause this version creation |
Release |
Retrieve the release that has cause this artifact creation |
Release |
Retrieve the release that has cause this artifact creation |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact with parameters of type Release | |
void |
Build.setRelease(Release release)
void |
Deliverable.setRelease(Release release)
void |
Assembly.setRelease(Release release)
Constructors in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact with parameters of type Release | |
Assembly(java.lang.String versionInfo,
java.lang.String comments,
java.lang.String composerId,
Release release)
Creates a new instance of Assembly with mandatory attributes. |
Build(java.lang.String versionInfo,
java.lang.String comments,
java.lang.String composerId,
Release release)
Creates a new instance of Build with mandatory attributes |
Deliverable(java.lang.String versionInfo,
java.lang.String comments,
java.lang.String supplierId,
Release release,
DeliverableType type)
Creates a new instance of Deliverable with mandatory fields. |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence with parameters of type Release | |
java.util.List |
HibernateAssemblyDao.getAssembliesByRelease(Release release)
Retrieve all the assemblies produced for a spcified release |
java.util.List |
AssemblyDao.getAssembliesByRelease(Release release)
Retrieve all the assemblies produced for a spcified release |
java.util.List |
HibernateBuildDao.getBuildsByRelease(Release release)
Retrieve all the builds produced for a spcified release |
java.util.List |
BuildDao.getBuildsByRelease(Release release)
Retrieve all the builds produced for a spcified release |
java.util.List |
HibernateComponentDao.getComponentsByRelease(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve components of specified type generated by a specified release |
java.util.List |
ComponentDao.getComponentsByRelease(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve components of specified type generated by a specified release |
java.util.List |
HibernateComponentDao.getComponentsInRelease(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve components of specified type contained by a specified release |
java.util.List |
ComponentDao.getComponentsInRelease(ComponentType type,
Release release)
Retrieve components of specified type contained by a specified release |
java.util.List |
HibernateDeliverableDao.getDeliverablesByRelease(DeliverableType type,
Release release)
Retrieve deliverables of specified type for a specified release |
java.util.List |
DeliverableDao.getDeliverablesByRelease(DeliverableType type,
Release release)
Retrieve deliverables of specified type for a specified release |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons.persistence that return Release | |
Release |
HibernateReleaseDao.getRelease(java.lang.String name)
Retrieve a release using its name |
Release |
ReleaseDao.getRelease(java.lang.String name)
Retrieve a release using its name |
Release |
HibernateReleaseDao.getReleaseByNumbers(int major,
int minor)
Retrieve a release using its major and minor numbers |
Release |
ReleaseDao.getReleaseByNumbers(int major,
int minor)
Retrieve a release using its major and minor numbers |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment that return Release | |
Release |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment with parameters of type Release | |
void |
LogicalEnvironment.setRelease(Release release)
Constructors in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment with parameters of type Release | |
LogicalEnvironment(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.String label,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String managerId,
Step step,
Release release)
Creates a new LogicalEnvironment with mandatory attribute |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting that return Release | |
Release |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting with parameters of type Release | |
void |
Message.setRelease(Release release)
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting.persistence with parameters of type Release | |
java.util.List |
HibernateMessageDao.getMessagesForRelease(Release release,
java.util.Date startDate,
java.util.Date endDate)
Retrieve all messages published between publication date and expiry date for a specified release. |
java.util.List |
MessageDao.getMessagesForRelease(Release release,
java.util.Date startDate,
java.util.Date endDate)
Retrieve all messages published between publication date and expiry date for a specified release. |
java.util.List |
HibernateMessageDao.getOpenMessagesForRelease(Release release)
Retrieve all current messages that are associated to release at time of invocation |
java.util.List |
MessageDao.getOpenMessagesForRelease(Release release)
Retrieve all current messages that are associated to release at time of invocation |
Uses of Release in org.figure8.join.services.remoting.services |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.remoting.services with parameters of type Release | |
static RemoteRelease |
BeansHelper.getRemoteObject(Release release)
Gets a remote view of a Release domain object |