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1   /**
2    * Copyright 2005-2006 the original author or authors.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Gnu General Pubic License, Version 2.0 (the
5    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6    * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   * See the Gnu General Public License for more details.
14   */
15  package org.figure8.join.core.messaging;
17  import org.figure8.join.core.InfrastructureException;
18  import org.figure8.join.core.DuplicateEntityException;
20  import java.util.List;
21  /**
22   * This is an interface definition of a manager of JMS consumers. It allows
23   * consumers lifecycle operations (creation, retrieval, update & remove) and
24   * also their activation / deactivation process control.
25   * @author <a href="">Laurent Broudoux</a>
26   * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
27   */
28  public interface JMSConsumerBeanManager{
30     // Public -------------------------------------------------------------------
32     /**
33      * Save a JMSConsumerBean infos within datastore. This method should also
34      * control the status of eventually existing consumers, depending on <b>active</b>
35      * attribute of the info bean.
36      * @param info The info on a JMSConsumerBean to save
37      * @throws DuplicateEntityException if another consumer with same name already exists.
38      * @throws InfrastructureException if wrapped JCA container cannot activate consumer.
39      */
40     public abstract void saveConsumerBeanInfo(JMSConsumerBeanInfo info) throws DuplicateEntityException,
41             InfrastructureException;
43     /**
44      * Remove a JMSConsumerBean infos from datastore. This method should also
45      * stop existing consumer instances before removing the related informations.
46      * @param info The info on a JMSConsumerBean to remove
47      */
48     public abstract void removeConsumerBeanInfo(JMSConsumerBeanInfo info);
50     /**
51      * Retrieve the info object having the spoecified name.
52      * @param name Name of the consumer bean info object to retrieve
53      * @return The {@code JMSConsumerBeanInfo} having this name, or null if none
54      */
55     public abstract JMSConsumerBeanInfo getConsumerBeanInfo(String name);
57     /**
58      * Retrieve the info object corresponding to available <code>JMSConsumerBeans</code>.
59      * @return A List of {@code org.figure8.join.core.messaging.JMSConsumerBeanInfo}
60      */
61     public abstract List getConsumerBeanInfos();
63     /**
64      * Starts all the already saved and registered consumers. This method should
65      * be called on startup.
66      * @throws InfrastructureException if wrapped JCA container cannot activate consumer.
67      */
68     public abstract void startConsumers() throws InfrastructureException;
70     /**
71      * Stop all the already saved and registered consumers. This method should
72      * be called on shutdown.
73      */
74     public abstract void stopConsumers();
75  }