View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright 2005-2008 the original author or authors.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Gnu General Pubic License, Version 2.0 (the
5    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6    * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   * See the Gnu General Public License for more details.
14   */
15  package org.figure8.join.core;
17  import org.figure8.join.core.setup.BootstrapUtil;
18  import org.figure8.join.core.setup.BootstrapManager;
19  import org.figure8.join.util.LogUtil;
21  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
22  import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
23  import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
24  import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
25  import org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader;
26  import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
27  import org.springframework.web.context.ConfigurableWebApplicationContext;
28  import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
30  import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
31  /**
32   * An extension of Spring <code>ContextLoader</code> that always load the
33   * Join bootstrap context as parent context.
34   * @author <a href="">Laurent Broudoux</a>
35   * @version $Revision: 1.4 $
36   */
37  public class ContainerContextLoader extends ContextLoader{
39     // Static -------------------------------------------------------------------
41     /** Get a commons logger ... */
42     private static final Log log = LogUtil.getLog(ContainerContextLoader.class);
44     /**
45      * Name of servlet context parameter that can specify the extra config location
46      * for the root context. This locations may be added to those present in default
47      * config location depending on the result of <code>addingExtraConfigLocationAllowed()</code>
48      */
49     public static final String EXTRA_CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM = "extraContextConfigLocation";
52     // Constructors -------------------------------------------------------------
54     /** Creates a new instance of ContainerContextLoader */
55     public ContainerContextLoader(){
56        super();
57     }
60     // Override of ContextLoader ------------------------------------------------
62     /**
63      * Load the parent context for the given servlet context. Always use
64      * the Join bootstrap context in this case.
65      * @param servletContext Servlet context for whom load parent context
66      * @return The Join bootstrap context.
67      */
68     protected ApplicationContext loadParentContext(ServletContext servletContext) throws BeansException{
69        return BootstrapUtil.getBootstrapContext();
70     }
72     /**
73      * Instantiate the root WebApplicationContext for this loader, ie a XmlWebApplicationContext.
74      * <p>This implementation expects custom contexts to implement
75      * ConfigurableWebApplicationContext. Can be overridden in subclasses.
76      * @param servletContext current servlet context
77      * @param parent the parent ApplicationContext to use, or null if none
78      * @throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException if the context couldn't be initialized
79      * @return The newly created Join web application context
80      */
81     protected WebApplicationContext createWebApplicationContext(ServletContext servletContext, ApplicationContext parent)
82             throws BeansException{
83        // Instanciate the default implementation of app context.
84        ConfigurableWebApplicationContext wac = (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext)
85                BeanUtils.instantiateClass(DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS);
86        // Set its parent and servlet contexts.
87        wac.setParent(parent);
88        wac.setServletContext(servletContext);
90        // Set its configuration files location.
91        String configLocation = servletContext.getInitParameter(CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM);
92        // Check if some extra configuration files should be added.
93        if (addingExtraConfigLocationAllowed()){
94           String extraConfigLocation = servletContext.getInitParameter(EXTRA_CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM);
95           if (extraConfigLocation != null && extraConfigLocation.trim().length() > 0)
96              configLocation += (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.CONFIG_LOCATION_DELIMITERS + extraConfigLocation);
97        }
98        if (configLocation != null){
99           wac.setConfigLocations(StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(configLocation,
100                  ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.CONFIG_LOCATION_DELIMITERS));
101       }
102       // Refresh and return.
103       wac.refresh();
104       return wac;
105    }
108    // Protected ----------------------------------------------------------------
110    /**
111     * Check if some extra configuration files locations should be added
112     * to the default one. This is a hook for subclasses to specifiy their
113     * adding criteria. This implementation return true if this context is one
114     * the asynchronous side of the application (so that asynchronous applicative
115     * services may be started)
116     * @return True if we are on asynchronous side of the application, false otherwise.
117     */
118    protected boolean addingExtraConfigLocationAllowed(){
119       BootstrapManager manager = BootstrapUtil.getBootstrapManager();
120       // Do not allow initialization if not bootstrapped.
121       if (manager == null || !manager.isBootstrapped())
122          return false;
123       // Check if setup is coherent.
124       if (!manager.isSetupComplete())
125          log.error("Setup is not yet complete, but trying to load context ?!... - Maybe join.cfg.xml is corrupted ?");
126       // Return whether we are on asynchronous side or not.
127       return manager.isAsynchronousSide();
128    }
129 }