
Interface Summary
JoinTask Helper interface for defining constants used by all the Join Ant tasks.
VersionInfoExtractor Interface that defines the operation of extracting a version information from a set of files.

Class Summary
BindComponentTask This an Ant task to use for binding a component being built/discovered to a specified assembly and/or build.
DummyVersionInfoExtractor This is a dummy implementation of VersionInfoExtractor that represents the behaviour of a sequence, i.e. version number returned by the extractVersionInfo() method comes from a counter that is incremented at each call.
ListenStatusListener This is an Ant build listener that logs a specified status when a build exception occurs.
ListenStatusTask This is an extension of LogStatusTask that logs sepcified status when build failed.
ListenStatusTask.ActionChoices A list of possible values for the setAction() method.
LogStatusTask This an Ant task to use for logging a status to a specified process.
RemoteServiceTask This is an abstract Ant task providing utility methods for accessing Join remote service.
SubstituteParametersTask This is an Ant task to use for substituting deployment parameters, into source files, by their values according to environment and deployment target.

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