Interface Notifier

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GoogleTalkNotifier, MailNotifier, XMPPNotifier

public interface Notifier
extends Configurable

This service interface defines basic services that a Notifier should provide

$Revision: 1.1 $
Laurent Broudoux

Method Summary
 void notify(java.lang.String[] recipients, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String content)
          Notifier are able to notify recipients and use a title and a content within their notification messages.
Methods inherited from interface org.figure8.join.core.Configurable
getParameterDefinitions, getParameterDefinitionsAsList, setParameter, setParameter, setParameters

Method Detail


void notify(java.lang.String[] recipients,
            java.lang.String title,
            java.lang.String content)
            throws NotificationException
Notifier are able to notify recipients and use a title and a content within their notification messages. The definition of a recipients is voluntary abstract letting implementations or sub-interfaces defining what they consider as valid recipients (ex: mail addresses, IM identifies, etc...)

recipients - An array of recipients to noitify. Recipient is described with a String
title - The title of notification message to send
content - The content of notification message to send
NotificationException - if an exception occurs during the notification operation (usually they are network related exceptions)

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