Uses of Class

Packages that use BootstrapException

Uses of BootstrapException in org.figure8.join.core.setup

Methods in org.figure8.join.core.setup that throw BootstrapException
 void BootstrapManager.bootstrap()
          Bootstrap the Join application !
 void BootstrapManager.bootstrapDatabase(DatabaseDetails details, boolean embedded)
          Bootstrap the database access system.
 void BootstrapManager.bootstrapDatasource(java.lang.String datasourceName, java.lang.String dialect)
          Bootstrap the database access system through JNDI datasource.
 void BootstrapManager.bootstrapMessaging(java.lang.String brokerUrl, boolean embedded)
          Bootstrap the messaging system.
protected  void ActiveMQConfigurator.configureActiveMQ(java.util.Properties properties)
          Do the real job by filling application with ActiveMQ properties.
 void HibernateConfigurator.configureDatabase(DatabaseDetails details, boolean embedded)
          Configure Hibernate according to the given database details
 void HibernateConfigurator.configureDatasource(java.lang.String datasourceName, java.lang.String dialect)
          Configure Hibernate according to the given datasource JNDI name.
protected  void HibernateConfigurator.configureHibernate(java.util.Properties properties)
          Do the real job by filling application with Hibernate properties and creating the database schema if needed.
 void ActiveMQConfigurator.configureMessaging(java.lang.String brokerUrl)
          Configure the ActiveMQ connection factory properties for given broker.
 void ApplicationConfig.load()
          Load the application configuration from config file
static void BootstrapUtil.refreshContext()
          Refresh the bootstrap context.

Uses of BootstrapException in

Methods in that throw BootstrapException
 void CacheLoader.loadCaches()
          Load the eternal caches of Join application.
protected  void CacheLoader.loadDeliverableTypesCache()
          Load the eternal cache containing DeliverableTypes
protected  void CacheLoader.loadReleasesCache()
          Load the eternal cache containing Releases
protected  void CacheLoader.loadRolesCache()
          Load the eternal cache containing Roles
protected  void CacheLoader.loadStepsCache()
          Load the eternal cache containing Steps

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