Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidParameterException

Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact that throw InvalidParameterException
 void DefaultArtifactManager.registerDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable, content)
          Create a deliverable within datastore and register its content.
 void ArtifactManager.registerDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable, content)
          Create a deliverable within datastore and register its content.
 void DefaultArtifactManager.saveDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable)
          Save a deliverable within datastore.
 void ArtifactManager.saveDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable)
          Save a deliverable within datastore.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact that throw InvalidParameterException
 VCSAccessor DeliverableType.getVCSAccessor()
          Get the VCSAccessor associated to this type (if any).
protected  void DeliverableType.instantiateVCSAccessor()
          Try to instantiate the VCSAccessor associated with this type (if any ...)
 void DeliverableType.setVcsAccessorClass(java.lang.String vcsAccessorClass)
          Assign a VCS implementation to this deliverable type. ie : an helper object that allows to connect to the version and configuration system used for retrieving deliverables of this type.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting that throw InvalidParameterException
 PermissionResourceResolver Event.getResourceResolver()
          Get the ResourceResolver asssociated to this event (if any).
protected  void Event.instantiateResourceResolver()
          Try to instantiate the PermissionResourceResolver associated with this role (if any ...)
 void Event.setResourceResolverClass(java.lang.String resourceResolverClass)
          Give a resource resolver to this event. ie : an helper object that allows to retrieve resources to whom should apply event publication.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 PermissionResourceResolver Role.getPermissionResourceResolver()
          Get the PermissionResourceResolver asssociated to this role (if any).
protected  void Role.instantiateResourceResolver()
          Try to instantiate the PermissionResourceResolver associated with this role (if any ...)
 void Role.setPermissionResourceResolverClass(java.lang.String permissionResourceResolverClass)
          Give a resource resolver to this role. ie : an helper object that allows to retrieve resources to whom should apply security permission within this role.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.control

Methods in org.figure8.join.control that throw InvalidParameterException
protected  org.apache.struts.action.Action DelegatingSpringRequestProcessor.getDelegateAction(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping mapping)
          Return the delegate Action for the given mapping.
protected  void FeedServlet.initializeManagers()
          Retrieve the integration process and reporting managers if they have not been initialized yet.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.core

Methods in org.figure8.join.core that throw InvalidParameterException
 java.lang.Object ContainerContextHandler.getComponent(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve a component from Spring handled context.
 void ContainerContextHandler.registerComponent(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object component)
          Register a component as a singleton within Spring handled application context and the web tier servlet context if present.
 void Configurable.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its definitions
 void Configurable.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama
 void Configurable.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
          Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.core.messaging

Methods in org.figure8.join.core.messaging that throw InvalidParameterException
 JMSConsumerBean JMSConsumerBeanInfo.getJMSConsumerBean()
          Get the JMSConsumerBean wrapped within this infos container.
protected  void JMSConsumerBeanInfo.instanciateConsumerBean()
          Try to instanciate wrapped consumerBean and configure it.
protected  java.lang.Object ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveLocalObject(java.lang.String name)
          Resolve destination as a locally available object through container context.
 javax.jms.Queue JMSDestinationResolver.resolveQueue(java.lang.String name)
          Resolve a JMS queue using its name.
 javax.jms.Queue ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveQueue(java.lang.String name)
          Resolve a JMS queue using its name.
protected  java.lang.Object ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveRemoteObject(java.lang.String name, boolean isQueue)
          Resolve destination as a remote object bound into a Jndi tree.
 javax.jms.Topic JMSDestinationResolver.resolveTopic(java.lang.String name)
          Resolve a JMS topic using its name.
 javax.jms.Topic ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveTopic(java.lang.String name)
          Resolve a JMS topic using its name.
 void JMSConsumerBeanInfo.setConsumerBeanClass(java.lang.String consumerBeanClass)
          Give the FQN of Java class used for instanciating a JMSConsumerBean

Constructors in org.figure8.join.core.messaging that throw InvalidParameterException
JMSConsumerBeanInfo(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, java.lang.String destination, java.lang.String consumerBeanClass)
          Creates a new instance of JMSConsumerBeanInfo with mandatory params.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void SubscribersNotifierAdapterSupport.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its definitions
 void SubscribersNotifierJMSAdapter.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its name
 void SubscribersNotifierAdapterSupport.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama
 void SubscribersNotifierAdapterSupport.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
          Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method.
 void SubscribersNotifierJMSAdapter.setPropertiesExtractorClass(java.lang.String extractorClass)
          Specify the class of PropertiesExtractor implementation to use

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void XMPPNotifier.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its definitions
 void XMPPNotifier.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama
 void XMPPNotifier.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
          Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void MailNotifier.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its definitions
 void MailNotifier.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama
 void MailNotifier.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
          Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 java.util.Properties PhysicalEnvironmentPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.
 java.util.Properties DeploymentPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.
 java.util.Properties DeliverablePropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.
 java.util.Properties DefaultPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.
 java.util.Properties ComponentPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.
 java.util.Properties BuildPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.
 java.util.Properties AssemblyPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.
 java.util.Properties PropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
          Extract a set of properties from the given object.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void ArtifactService.bindComponent(java.lang.String token, RemoteComponent component, java.lang.String assemblyKey)
          Bind a component to a given assembly.
 void ReportingService.createMessage(java.lang.String token, RemoteMessage message)
          Create an informational message within Join system.
 void ResourceService.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token, RemoteResourceVersion version)
          Create a new resource version for a specified type.
 void MessagingService.saveConsumerBeanInfo(java.lang.String token, RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo info)
          Save a JMSConsumerBean infos within datastore.
 void CronService.saveCron(java.lang.String token, RemoteQuartzCronInfo cron)
          Save a new cron on server-side.
 void ArtifactService.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token, RemoteDeliverable deliverable, content)
          Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper.
 void ResourceService.updateResource(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String versionName)
          Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void ArtifactServiceImpl.bindComponent(java.lang.String token, RemoteComponent component, java.lang.String assemblyKey)
          Bind a component to a given assembly.
 void ReportingServiceImpl.createMessage(java.lang.String token, RemoteMessage message)
          Create an informational message within Join system.
 void ResourceServiceImpl.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token, RemoteResourceVersion version)
          Create a new resource version for a specified type.
static JMSConsumerBeanInfo BeansHelper.getLocalObject(RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo info)
          Gets a local view of a RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo remote object
static QuartzCronInfo BeansHelper.getLocalObject(RemoteQuartzCronInfo info)
          Gets a local view of a RemoteQuartzCronInfo remote object
 void MessagingServiceImpl.saveConsumerBeanInfo(java.lang.String token, RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo info)
          Save a JMSConsumerBean infos within datastore.
 void CronServiceImpl.saveCron(java.lang.String token, RemoteQuartzCronInfo remoteCron)
          Save a new cron on server-side.
 void ArtifactServiceImpl.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token, RemoteDeliverable deliverable, content)
          Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper.
 void ResourceServiceImpl.updateResource(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String versionName)
          Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 boolean XmlRpcHandler.bindComponent(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String typeKey, java.lang.String versionInfo, long size, java.lang.String assemblyKey)
          Bind a component to a given assembly.
 boolean DefaultXmlRpcHandler.bindComponent(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String typeKey, java.lang.String versionInfo, long size, java.lang.String assemblyKey)
          Bind a component to a given assembly.
 boolean XmlRpcHandler.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String versionName, java.lang.String versionDescription, java.lang.String resourceTypeKey)
          Create a new resource version for a specified resource type.
 boolean DefaultXmlRpcHandler.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String versionName, java.lang.String versionDescription, java.lang.String resourceTypeKey)
          Create a new resource version for a specified resource type.
 boolean XmlRpcHandler.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String releaseName, java.lang.String typeKey, java.lang.String versionInfo, java.lang.String comments, byte[] content)
          Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper.
 boolean DefaultXmlRpcHandler.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String releaseName, java.lang.String typeKey, java.lang.String versionInfo, java.lang.String comments, byte[] content)
          Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper.
 boolean XmlRpcHandler.updateResource(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String versionName)
          Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version.
 boolean DefaultXmlRpcHandler.updateResource(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String versionName)
          Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void SimpleFileSystemRepository.setRootDirectory(java.lang.String root)
          Sets the path to root of the file system repository.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 java.lang.Class QuartzCronInfo.checkJobClass()
          Try to instanciate wrapped job.
 org.quartz.JobDetail QuartzCronInfo.createJobDetail()
          Create a Quartz JobDetail object from this Cron informations
 void QuartzCronInfo.setJobClass(java.lang.String jobClass)
          Give the FQN of Java class used for instanciating a Job

Constructors in that throw InvalidParameterException
QuartzCronInfo(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String cronExpression, java.lang.String jobType, java.lang.String jobClass)
          Build a new instance with mandatory attributes.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
protected  void ScriptLauncherQuartzAdapter.configureJobFromContext(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context)
          Configure this job instance using the QuartzCronParameterInfo that may be present into the execution context.
 void ScriptLauncherAdapterSupport.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its definition.
 void ScriptLauncher.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its definition.
 void ScriptLauncherJMSAdapter.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its name
 void ScriptLauncherAdapterSupport.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its name
 void ScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama
 void ScriptLauncherAdapterSupport.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
          Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method.
 void ScriptLauncher.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
          Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method.
 void ScriptLauncherJMSAdapter.setPropertiesExtractorClass(java.lang.String extractorClass)
          Specify the class of PropertiesExtractor implementation to use
 void ScriptLauncher.setScriptPath(java.lang.String scriptPath)

Constructors in that throw InvalidParameterException
ScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
          Creates a new instance of ScriptLauncher spceifying script path.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void AntScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama

Constructors in that throw InvalidParameterException
AntScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
          Creates a new instance of AntScriptLauncher with script path

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Constructors in that throw InvalidParameterException
GroovyScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
          Creates a new instance of GroovyScriptLauncher with script path.

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void JSR223ScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama

Constructors in that throw InvalidParameterException
JSR223ScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
          Creates a new instance of JSR223ScriptLauncher with script path

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 void RubyScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String parameterValue)
          Set the value of a parameter using its nama

Constructors in that throw InvalidParameterException
RubyScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
          Creates a new instance of RubyScriptLauncher with script path

Uses of InvalidParameterException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterException
 java.lang.Object EnvironmentResolver.getResource(java.lang.String resourceId)
          Get a resource using its unique identifier
 java.lang.Object DeliverableTypeResolver.getResource(java.lang.String resourceId)
          Get a resource using its unique identifier
 java.lang.Object PermissionResourceResolver.getResource(java.lang.String resourceId)
          Get a resource using its unique identifier
 java.lang.String EnvironmentResolver.getResourceId(java.lang.Object resource)
          Get a resource unique identifier
 java.lang.String DeliverableTypeResolver.getResourceId(java.lang.Object resource)
          Get a resource unique identifier
 java.lang.String PermissionResourceResolver.getResourceId(java.lang.Object resource)
          Get a resource unique identifier
 java.lang.String EnvironmentResolver.getResourceLabel(java.lang.Object resource)
          Get a resource label for display
 java.lang.String DeliverableTypeResolver.getResourceLabel(java.lang.Object resource)
          Get a resource label for display
 java.lang.String PermissionResourceResolver.getResourceLabel(java.lang.Object resource)
          Get a resource label for display

Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.util

Constructors in org.figure8.join.util that throw InvalidParameterException
ConnectionKeeper(int numConnections, long sleepTime)
          Creates a new instance of ConnectionKeeper

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