Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
DefaultArtifactManager.registerDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable,
java.io.InputStream content)
Create a deliverable within datastore and register its content. |
void |
ArtifactManager.registerDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable,
java.io.InputStream content)
Create a deliverable within datastore and register its content. |
void |
DefaultArtifactManager.saveDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable)
Save a deliverable within datastore. |
void |
ArtifactManager.saveDeliverable(Deliverable deliverable)
Save a deliverable within datastore. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact that throw InvalidParameterException | |
VCSAccessor |
Get the VCSAccessor associated to this type (if any). |
protected void |
Try to instantiate the VCSAccessor associated with this type (if any ...) |
void |
DeliverableType.setVcsAccessorClass(java.lang.String vcsAccessorClass)
Assign a VCS implementation to this deliverable type. ie : an helper object that allows to connect to the version and configuration system used for retrieving deliverables of this type. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting that throw InvalidParameterException | |
PermissionResourceResolver |
Get the ResourceResolver asssociated to this event (if any). |
protected void |
Try to instantiate the PermissionResourceResolver
associated with this role (if any ...) |
void |
Event.setResourceResolverClass(java.lang.String resourceResolverClass)
Give a resource resolver to this event. ie : an helper object that allows to retrieve resources to whom should apply event publication. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.security |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.security that throw InvalidParameterException | |
PermissionResourceResolver |
Get the PermissionResourceResolver asssociated to this role (if any). |
protected void |
Try to instantiate the PermissionResourceResolver
associated with this role (if any ...) |
void |
Role.setPermissionResourceResolverClass(java.lang.String permissionResourceResolverClass)
Give a resource resolver to this role. ie : an helper object that allows to retrieve resources to whom should apply security permission within this role. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.control |
Methods in org.figure8.join.control that throw InvalidParameterException | |
protected org.apache.struts.action.Action |
DelegatingSpringRequestProcessor.getDelegateAction(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping mapping)
Return the delegate Action for the given mapping. |
protected void |
Retrieve the integration process and reporting managers if they have not been initialized yet. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.core |
Methods in org.figure8.join.core that throw InvalidParameterException | |
java.lang.Object |
ContainerContextHandler.getComponent(java.lang.String key)
Retrieve a component from Spring handled context. |
void |
ContainerContextHandler.registerComponent(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object component)
Register a component as a singleton within Spring handled application context and the web tier servlet context if present. |
void |
Configurable.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its definitions |
void |
Configurable.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
void |
Configurable.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.core.messaging |
Methods in org.figure8.join.core.messaging that throw InvalidParameterException | |
JMSConsumerBean |
Get the JMSConsumerBean wrapped within this infos container. |
protected void |
Try to instanciate wrapped consumerBean and configure it. |
protected java.lang.Object |
ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveLocalObject(java.lang.String name)
Resolve destination as a locally available object through container context. |
javax.jms.Queue |
JMSDestinationResolver.resolveQueue(java.lang.String name)
Resolve a JMS queue using its name. |
javax.jms.Queue |
ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveQueue(java.lang.String name)
Resolve a JMS queue using its name. |
protected java.lang.Object |
ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveRemoteObject(java.lang.String name,
boolean isQueue)
Resolve destination as a remote object bound into a Jndi tree. |
javax.jms.Topic |
JMSDestinationResolver.resolveTopic(java.lang.String name)
Resolve a JMS topic using its name. |
javax.jms.Topic |
ActiveMQDestinationResolver.resolveTopic(java.lang.String name)
Resolve a JMS topic using its name. |
void |
JMSConsumerBeanInfo.setConsumerBeanClass(java.lang.String consumerBeanClass)
Give the FQN of Java class used for instanciating a JMSConsumerBean |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.core.messaging that throw InvalidParameterException | |
JMSConsumerBeanInfo(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String selector,
java.lang.String destination,
java.lang.String consumerBeanClass)
Creates a new instance of JMSConsumerBeanInfo with mandatory params. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.notification |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.notification that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
SubscribersNotifierAdapterSupport.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its definitions |
void |
SubscribersNotifierJMSAdapter.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its name |
void |
SubscribersNotifierAdapterSupport.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
void |
SubscribersNotifierAdapterSupport.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method. |
void |
SubscribersNotifierJMSAdapter.setPropertiesExtractorClass(java.lang.String extractorClass)
Specify the class of PropertiesExtractor implementation to use |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.notification.im |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.notification.im that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
XMPPNotifier.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its definitions |
void |
XMPPNotifier.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
void |
XMPPNotifier.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.notification.mail |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.notification.mail that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
MailNotifier.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its definitions |
void |
MailNotifier.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
void |
MailNotifier.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.properties |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.properties that throw InvalidParameterException | |
java.util.Properties |
PhysicalEnvironmentPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
java.util.Properties |
DeploymentPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
java.util.Properties |
DeliverablePropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
java.util.Properties |
DefaultPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
java.util.Properties |
ComponentPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
java.util.Properties |
BuildPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
java.util.Properties |
AssemblyPropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
java.util.Properties |
PropertiesExtractor.extract(java.lang.Object obj)
Extract a set of properties from the given object. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.remoting |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.remoting that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
ArtifactService.bindComponent(java.lang.String token,
RemoteComponent component,
java.lang.String assemblyKey)
Bind a component to a given assembly. |
void |
ReportingService.createMessage(java.lang.String token,
RemoteMessage message)
Create an informational message within Join system. |
void |
ResourceService.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token,
RemoteResourceVersion version)
Create a new resource version for a specified type. |
void |
MessagingService.saveConsumerBeanInfo(java.lang.String token,
RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo info)
Save a JMSConsumerBean infos within datastore. |
void |
CronService.saveCron(java.lang.String token,
RemoteQuartzCronInfo cron)
Save a new cron on server-side. |
void |
ArtifactService.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token,
RemoteDeliverable deliverable,
java.io.File content)
Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper. |
void |
ResourceService.updateResource(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String resourceName,
java.lang.String versionName)
Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.remoting.services |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.remoting.services that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
ArtifactServiceImpl.bindComponent(java.lang.String token,
RemoteComponent component,
java.lang.String assemblyKey)
Bind a component to a given assembly. |
void |
ReportingServiceImpl.createMessage(java.lang.String token,
RemoteMessage message)
Create an informational message within Join system. |
void |
ResourceServiceImpl.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token,
RemoteResourceVersion version)
Create a new resource version for a specified type. |
static JMSConsumerBeanInfo |
BeansHelper.getLocalObject(RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo info)
Gets a local view of a RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo remote object |
static QuartzCronInfo |
BeansHelper.getLocalObject(RemoteQuartzCronInfo info)
Gets a local view of a RemoteQuartzCronInfo remote object |
void |
MessagingServiceImpl.saveConsumerBeanInfo(java.lang.String token,
RemoteJMSConsumerBeanInfo info)
Save a JMSConsumerBean infos within datastore. |
void |
CronServiceImpl.saveCron(java.lang.String token,
RemoteQuartzCronInfo remoteCron)
Save a new cron on server-side. |
void |
ArtifactServiceImpl.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token,
RemoteDeliverable deliverable,
java.io.File content)
Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper. |
void |
ResourceServiceImpl.updateResource(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String resourceName,
java.lang.String versionName)
Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.remoting.xmlrpc |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.remoting.xmlrpc that throw InvalidParameterException | |
boolean |
XmlRpcHandler.bindComponent(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String typeKey,
java.lang.String versionInfo,
long size,
java.lang.String assemblyKey)
Bind a component to a given assembly. |
boolean |
DefaultXmlRpcHandler.bindComponent(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String typeKey,
java.lang.String versionInfo,
long size,
java.lang.String assemblyKey)
Bind a component to a given assembly. |
boolean |
XmlRpcHandler.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String versionName,
java.lang.String versionDescription,
java.lang.String resourceTypeKey)
Create a new resource version for a specified resource type. |
boolean |
DefaultXmlRpcHandler.createResourceVersion(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String versionName,
java.lang.String versionDescription,
java.lang.String resourceTypeKey)
Create a new resource version for a specified resource type. |
boolean |
XmlRpcHandler.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String releaseName,
java.lang.String typeKey,
java.lang.String versionInfo,
java.lang.String comments,
byte[] content)
Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper. |
boolean |
DefaultXmlRpcHandler.supplyDeliverable(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String releaseName,
java.lang.String typeKey,
java.lang.String versionInfo,
java.lang.String comments,
byte[] content)
Supply a new deliverable using the remote wrapper. |
boolean |
XmlRpcHandler.updateResource(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String resourceName,
java.lang.String versionName)
Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version. |
boolean |
DefaultXmlRpcHandler.updateResource(java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String resourceName,
java.lang.String versionName)
Update an existing resource with an existing reosurce version. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.repository |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.repository that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
SimpleFileSystemRepository.setRootDirectory(java.lang.String root)
Sets the path to root of the file system repository. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.scheduling |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.scheduling that throw InvalidParameterException | |
java.lang.Class |
Try to instanciate wrapped job. |
org.quartz.JobDetail |
Create a Quartz JobDetail object from this Cron informations |
void |
QuartzCronInfo.setJobClass(java.lang.String jobClass)
Give the FQN of Java class used for instanciating a Job |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.services.scheduling that throw InvalidParameterException | |
QuartzCronInfo(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String cronExpression,
java.lang.String jobType,
java.lang.String jobClass)
Build a new instance with mandatory attributes. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.scripting |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.scripting that throw InvalidParameterException | |
protected void |
ScriptLauncherQuartzAdapter.configureJobFromContext(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context)
Configure this job instance using the QuartzCronParameterInfo that
may be present into the execution context. |
void |
ScriptLauncherAdapterSupport.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its definition. |
void |
ScriptLauncher.setParameter(ParameterDefinition parameter,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its definition. |
void |
ScriptLauncherJMSAdapter.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its name |
void |
ScriptLauncherAdapterSupport.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its name |
void |
ScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
void |
ScriptLauncherAdapterSupport.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method. |
void |
ScriptLauncher.setParameters(java.util.Properties parameters)
Convenient methods for setting all attributes values using a single method. |
void |
ScriptLauncherJMSAdapter.setPropertiesExtractorClass(java.lang.String extractorClass)
Specify the class of PropertiesExtractor implementation to use |
void |
ScriptLauncher.setScriptPath(java.lang.String scriptPath)
Constructors in org.figure8.join.services.scripting that throw InvalidParameterException | |
ScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
Creates a new instance of ScriptLauncher spceifying script path. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.ant |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.ant that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
AntScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.ant that throw InvalidParameterException | |
AntScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
Creates a new instance of AntScriptLauncher with script path |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.groovy |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.groovy that throw InvalidParameterException | |
GroovyScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
Creates a new instance of GroovyScriptLauncher with script path. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.jsr223 |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.jsr223 that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
JSR223ScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.jsr223 that throw InvalidParameterException | |
JSR223ScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
Creates a new instance of JSR223ScriptLauncher with script path |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.ruby |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.ruby that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
RubyScriptLauncher.setParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
java.lang.String parameterValue)
Set the value of a parameter using its nama |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.ruby that throw InvalidParameterException | |
RubyScriptLauncher(java.lang.String scriptPath)
Creates a new instance of RubyScriptLauncher with script path |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.services.security |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.security that throw InvalidParameterException | |
java.lang.Object |
EnvironmentResolver.getResource(java.lang.String resourceId)
Get a resource using its unique identifier |
java.lang.Object |
DeliverableTypeResolver.getResource(java.lang.String resourceId)
Get a resource using its unique identifier |
java.lang.Object |
PermissionResourceResolver.getResource(java.lang.String resourceId)
Get a resource using its unique identifier |
java.lang.String |
EnvironmentResolver.getResourceId(java.lang.Object resource)
Get a resource unique identifier |
java.lang.String |
DeliverableTypeResolver.getResourceId(java.lang.Object resource)
Get a resource unique identifier |
java.lang.String |
PermissionResourceResolver.getResourceId(java.lang.Object resource)
Get a resource unique identifier |
java.lang.String |
EnvironmentResolver.getResourceLabel(java.lang.Object resource)
Get a resource label for display |
java.lang.String |
DeliverableTypeResolver.getResourceLabel(java.lang.Object resource)
Get a resource label for display |
java.lang.String |
PermissionResourceResolver.getResourceLabel(java.lang.Object resource)
Get a resource label for display |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in org.figure8.join.util |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.util that throw InvalidParameterException | |
ConnectionKeeper(int numConnections,
long sleepTime)
Creates a new instance of ConnectionKeeper |