Uses of Class

Packages that use EntityObject

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact

Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact
 class Assembly
          An assembly if a composite artifact build from deliverables.
 class Build
          A build if a composite artifact build from components.
 class Component
 class ComponentType
          Entity representing a component type.
 class Deliverable
          A deliverable is an artifact representing a work delivery for the software project.
 class DeliverableType
          Entity object representing a deliverable type.

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject
 void entityobject)
          Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to DeliverableTypes if available.

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons

Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons
 class Release
          This is an entity representing a release of the software project that is using Join for its integration phases management.
 class Status
          This is an entity representing a process status.
 class Step
          This is an entity representing an Integration process step.
 class Target
          This is an entity that helps defining a deployment target.

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons.persistence

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject
 void entityobject)
          Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to Releases if available.
 void entityobject)
          Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to Releases if available.

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment

Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment
 class AbstractResource
          Helper class for implementing persistent Resources.
 class AbstractResourceType
          Helper class for implementing persistent ResourceTypes.
 class Deployment
          This is an entity object that represent a deployment of an Assembly done onto an environement.
 class EIS
          A VersionedResource extension designed to be accessed only through Gateway.
 class EISMapping
          This is an entity representing a mapping between an Enterprise Information System resource (a EIS of any EISType) and a gateway infrastructure resource.
 class EISType
          EISType is a type for denoting resources of category "Enterprise Information System" that may be bound to a Gateway.
 class EnvironmentMapping
          This is an entity representing a mapping between a logical environment (attached to a specific process step and release) and a physical environment (attached to infrastructure resources and machines).
 class Gateway
          A Resource implementation that provide access to some other Enterprise Information Systems (EIS).
 class GatewayType
          A ResourceType for Gateways.
 class LogicalEnvironment
          This is an entity representing a logical (or business/functional) view of an environment.
 class Machine
          This is an entity object representing a physical machine managed by the software project integration team.
 class Parameter
          This is an entity representing a parameter used for configuring physical environment.
 class ParameterValue
          This entity represents a wrapper around available value for a deployment parameter (Parameter).
 class PhysicalEnvironment
          This is the representation of a physical environment managed by Join.
 class ResourceMapping
          This is an entity representing a mapping between a physical infrastructure resource (of any category and any type) and a physical environment.
 class ResourceVersion
          This is the representation of a resource version.
 class Service
          A Service is a base Resource implementation.
 class ServiceType
          A ServiceType is a base ResourceType implementation
 class VersionedResource
          A Resource implementation that is updatable an in consequence may have different versions.
 class VersionedResourceType
          A VersionedResourceType is a ResourceType implementation for versioned resources
 class VersionedResourceUpdate
          This is an entity representing an update of a physical infrastructure resource (of VersionedResource category) with a resource version.

Uses of EntityObject in

Subclasses of EntityObject in
 class NetClient
 class NetConfiguration
 class NotificationFailure

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting

Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting
 class Event
          This is an entity object that helps defining events into Join workflow.
 class MailingList
          A mailing list is used for reporting when a defined event happened within process for a defined element of domain model.
 class Message
          This is an entity representing a Message.
 class Subscription
          Represents a user's subdscription to a mailing list.

Uses of EntityObject in

Subclasses of EntityObject in
 class Permission
          This is an entity representing a Permission : a binding between a security Role and a User.
 class Role
          This is an entity representing a security role into Join system.
 class User
          This is en entity representing a User within Join system.

Uses of EntityObject in

Methods in with parameters of type EntityObject
 void JdbcUserDao.initialize(EntityObject entityobject)
          Force initialization of the given entity from underlying datastore (this may involves initialization of lazily loaded relations fields)
 void JdbcUserDao.initializeAssociation(EntityObject entityobject, java.lang.Object proxy)
          Force initialization of the given entity association from underlying datastore
 void JdbcUserDao.refresh(EntityObject entityobject)
          Re-read the content of the given entity from underlying datastore.
 void JdbcUserDao.remove(EntityObject entityobject)
          Remove the given entity object from underlying datastore.
 void entityobject)
          Save the given entity into underlying datastore.
 void entityobject)
          Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to Roles if available.

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core

Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core
 class SortableEntityObject
          Extension of EntityObject that implements the Comparable interface from JDK.

Methods in org.figure8.join.core that return EntityObject
 EntityObject DuplicateEntityException.getOriginalEntity()

Constructors in org.figure8.join.core with parameters of type EntityObject
DuplicateEntityException(java.lang.String msg, EntityObject original)
          Creates a new instance of DuplicateEntityException.
DuplicateEntityException(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Throwable cause, EntityObject original)
          Creates a new instance of DuplicateEntityException.
DuplicateEntityException(java.lang.Throwable cause, EntityObject original)
          Creates a new instance of DuplicateEntityException.

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core.messaging

Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core.messaging
 class JMSConsumerBeanInfo
          This is an EntityObject for describing a JMSConsumerBean, its configurable properties & parameters and its activation specification.
 class JMSConsumerBeanParameterInfo
          This is a simple EntityObject for describing the configuration parameters of a JMSConsumerBean.

Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core.persistence

Methods in org.figure8.join.core.persistence that return EntityObject
protected  EntityObject HibernateObjectDao.getById(long id)
          Retrieve an object of the persistent class using its unique identifier (primary key)

Methods in org.figure8.join.core.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject
 void HibernateObjectDao.initialize(EntityObject entityobject)
          Force initialization of the given entity from underlying datastore (this may involves initialization of lazily loaded relations fields)
 void ObjectDao.initialize(EntityObject entityobject)
          Force initialization of the given entity from underlying datastore (this may involves initialization of lazily loaded relations fields)
 void HibernateObjectDao.initializeAssociation(EntityObject entityobject, java.lang.Object proxy)
          Force initialization of the given entity association from underlying datastore
 void ObjectDao.initializeAssociation(EntityObject entityobject, java.lang.Object proxy)
          Force initialization of the given entity association from underlying datastore
 void HibernateObjectDao.refresh(EntityObject entityobject)
          Re-read the content of the given entity from underlying datastore.
 void ObjectDao.refresh(EntityObject entityobject)
          Re-read the content of the given entity from underlying datastore.
 void HibernateObjectDao.remove(EntityObject entityobject)
          Remove the given entity object from underlying datastore.
 void ObjectDao.remove(EntityObject entityobject)
          Remove the given entity object from underlying datastore.
 void entityobject)
          Save the given entity into underlying datastore.
 void entityobject)
          Save the given entity into underlying datastore.

Uses of EntityObject in

Subclasses of EntityObject in
 class QuartzCronInfo
          Cron object containing info on how to create and schedule a Quartz job.
 class QuartzCronParameterInfo
          This class represents an entity of cron parameter instance.

Uses of EntityObject in

Subclasses of EntityObject in
 class ScriptLogInfo
          This is an entity object representing information about the log file produced by the execution of a script.

Constructors in with parameters of type EntityObject
ScriptLogInfo(EntityObject entity, java.lang.String logFile, java.lang.String scriptName, java.lang.String scriptCategory, java.lang.String scriptFile)
          Creates a new instance of ScriptLogInfo with attributes.

Uses of EntityObject in

Methods in with parameters of type EntityObject
 java.util.List HibernateScriptLogInfoDao.getScriptLogInfosForEntity(EntityObject entity)
          Retrieve all the info beans on available script logs for given entity
 java.util.List ScriptLogInfoDao.getScriptLogInfosForEntity(EntityObject entity)
          Retrieve all the info beans on available script logs for given entity

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