Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact | |
class |
An assembly if a composite artifact build from deliverables. |
class |
A build if a composite artifact build from components. |
class |
class |
Entity representing a component type. |
class |
A deliverable is an artifact representing a work delivery for the software project. |
class |
Entity object representing a deliverable type. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject | |
void |
HibernateDeliverableTypeDao.save(EntityObject entityobject)
Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to DeliverableTypes if available. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons | |
class |
This is an entity representing a release of the software project that is using Join for its integration phases management. |
class |
This is an entity representing a process status. |
class |
This is an entity representing an Integration process step. |
class |
This is an entity that helps defining a deployment target. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.commons.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject | |
void |
HibernateStepDao.save(EntityObject entityobject)
Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to Releases if available. |
void |
HibernateReleaseDao.save(EntityObject entityobject)
Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to Releases if available. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment | |
class |
Helper class for implementing persistent Resources. |
class |
Helper class for implementing persistent ResourceTypes. |
class |
This is an entity object that represent a deployment of an Assembly done onto an environement. |
class |
A VersionedResource extension designed to be accessed only through Gateway. |
class |
This is an entity representing a mapping between an Enterprise Information System resource (a EIS of any EISType ) and a gateway infrastructure resource. |
class |
EISType is a type for denoting resources of category "Enterprise Information System" that may be bound to a Gateway . |
class |
This is an entity representing a mapping between a logical environment (attached to a specific process step and release) and a physical environment (attached to infrastructure resources and machines). |
class |
A Resource implementation that provide access to some other Enterprise Information Systems ( EIS ). |
class |
A ResourceType for Gateways. |
class |
This is an entity representing a logical (or business/functional) view of an environment. |
class |
This is an entity object representing a physical machine managed by the software project integration team. |
class |
This is an entity representing a parameter used for configuring physical environment. |
class |
This entity represents a wrapper around available value for a deployment parameter ( Parameter ). |
class |
This is the representation of a physical environment managed by Join. |
class |
This is an entity representing a mapping between a physical infrastructure resource (of any category and any type) and a physical environment. |
class |
This is the representation of a resource version. |
class |
A Service is a base Resource implementation. |
class |
A ServiceType is a base ResourceType implementation |
class |
A Resource implementation that is updatable an in consequence may have different versions. |
class |
A VersionedResourceType is a ResourceType implementation for versioned resources |
class |
This is an entity representing an update of a physical infrastructure resource (of VersionedResource category) with a resource version. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.network |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.network | |
class |
class |
class |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.reporting | |
class |
This is an entity object that helps defining events into Join workflow. |
class |
A mailing list is used for reporting when a defined event happened within process for a defined element of domain model. |
class |
This is an entity representing a Message. |
class |
Represents a user's subdscription to a mailing list. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.security |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.security | |
class |
This is an entity representing a Permission : a binding between a security Role and a User . |
class |
This is an entity representing a security role into Join system. |
class |
This is en entity representing a User within Join system. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.security.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.security.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject | |
void |
JdbcUserDao.initialize(EntityObject entityobject)
Force initialization of the given entity from underlying datastore (this may involves initialization of lazily loaded relations fields) |
void |
JdbcUserDao.initializeAssociation(EntityObject entityobject,
java.lang.Object proxy)
Force initialization of the given entity association from underlying datastore |
void |
JdbcUserDao.refresh(EntityObject entityobject)
Re-read the content of the given entity from underlying datastore. |
void |
JdbcUserDao.remove(EntityObject entityobject)
Remove the given entity object from underlying datastore. |
void |
JdbcUserDao.save(EntityObject entityobject)
Save the given entity into underlying datastore. |
void |
HibernateRoleDao.save(EntityObject entityobject)
Save the given entity into underlying datastore and put it into applicative cache dedicated to Roles if available. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core | |
class |
Extension of EntityObject that implements the Comparable
interface from JDK. |
Methods in org.figure8.join.core that return EntityObject | |
EntityObject |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.core with parameters of type EntityObject | |
DuplicateEntityException(java.lang.String msg,
EntityObject original)
Creates a new instance of DuplicateEntityException. |
DuplicateEntityException(java.lang.String msg,
java.lang.Throwable cause,
EntityObject original)
Creates a new instance of DuplicateEntityException. |
DuplicateEntityException(java.lang.Throwable cause,
EntityObject original)
Creates a new instance of DuplicateEntityException. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core.messaging |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core.messaging | |
class |
This is an EntityObject for describing a JMSConsumerBean , its
configurable properties & parameters and its activation specification. |
class |
This is a simple EntityObject for describing the configuration parameters of a JMSConsumerBean . |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.core.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.core.persistence that return EntityObject | |
protected EntityObject |
HibernateObjectDao.getById(long id)
Retrieve an object of the persistent class using its unique identifier (primary key) |
Methods in org.figure8.join.core.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject | |
void |
HibernateObjectDao.initialize(EntityObject entityobject)
Force initialization of the given entity from underlying datastore (this may involves initialization of lazily loaded relations fields) |
void |
ObjectDao.initialize(EntityObject entityobject)
Force initialization of the given entity from underlying datastore (this may involves initialization of lazily loaded relations fields) |
void |
HibernateObjectDao.initializeAssociation(EntityObject entityobject,
java.lang.Object proxy)
Force initialization of the given entity association from underlying datastore |
void |
ObjectDao.initializeAssociation(EntityObject entityobject,
java.lang.Object proxy)
Force initialization of the given entity association from underlying datastore |
void |
HibernateObjectDao.refresh(EntityObject entityobject)
Re-read the content of the given entity from underlying datastore. |
void |
ObjectDao.refresh(EntityObject entityobject)
Re-read the content of the given entity from underlying datastore. |
void |
HibernateObjectDao.remove(EntityObject entityobject)
Remove the given entity object from underlying datastore. |
void |
ObjectDao.remove(EntityObject entityobject)
Remove the given entity object from underlying datastore. |
void |
HibernateObjectDao.save(EntityObject entityobject)
Save the given entity into underlying datastore. |
void |
ObjectDao.save(EntityObject entityobject)
Save the given entity into underlying datastore. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.services.scheduling |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.services.scheduling | |
class |
Cron object containing info on how to create and schedule a Quartz job. |
class |
This class represents an entity of cron parameter instance. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.services.scripting |
Subclasses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.services.scripting | |
class |
This is an entity object representing information about the log file produced by the execution of a script. |
Constructors in org.figure8.join.services.scripting with parameters of type EntityObject | |
ScriptLogInfo(EntityObject entity,
java.lang.String logFile,
java.lang.String scriptName,
java.lang.String scriptCategory,
java.lang.String scriptFile)
Creates a new instance of ScriptLogInfo with attributes. |
Uses of EntityObject in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.persistence |
Methods in org.figure8.join.services.scripting.persistence with parameters of type EntityObject | |
java.util.List |
HibernateScriptLogInfoDao.getScriptLogInfosForEntity(EntityObject entity)
Retrieve all the info beans on available script logs for given entity |
java.util.List |
ScriptLogInfoDao.getScriptLogInfosForEntity(EntityObject entity)
Retrieve all the info beans on available script logs for given entity |