Uses of Class

Packages that use Assembly

Uses of Assembly in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact that return Assembly
 Assembly DefaultAssemblyManager.getAssembly(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve an Assembly using its unique key
 Assembly AssemblyManager.getAssembly(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve an Assembly using its unique key

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.artifact with parameters of type Assembly
 void DefaultArtifactManager.bindComponent(Component component, Assembly assembly)
          Bind a component to an existing assembly.
 void ArtifactManager.bindComponent(Component component, Assembly assembly)
          Bind a component to an existing assembly.
 void DefaultAssemblyManager.saveAssembly(Assembly assembly, java.util.List deliverables)
          Save a specified assembly (indeed a save or update method)
 void AssemblyManager.saveAssembly(Assembly assembly, java.util.List deliverables)
          Save a specified assembly (indeed a save or update method)

Uses of Assembly in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.reporting

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessfacades.reporting with parameters of type Assembly
 void DefaultEventPublicationManager.publishAssemblyCreationEvent(Assembly assembly)
          Publish an event corresponding to an aasembly creation (ie: the aggregation of amny deliverables)
 void EventPublicationManager.publishAssemblyCreationEvent(Assembly assembly)
          Publish an event corresponding to an aasembly creation (ie: the aggregation of amny deliverables)

Uses of Assembly in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact that return Assembly
 Assembly Component.getAssembly()

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact with parameters of type Assembly
protected static java.lang.String Assembly.generateAssemblyKey(Assembly assembly)
          Generate a unique key for an assembly.
 void Component.setAssembly(Assembly assembly)

Uses of Assembly in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.artifact.persistence that return Assembly
 Assembly HibernateAssemblyDao.getAssembly(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve an Assembly using its unique key identifier
 Assembly AssemblyDao.getAssembly(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve an Assembly using its unique key identifier

Uses of Assembly in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment that return Assembly
 Assembly Deployment.getAssembly()

Methods in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment with parameters of type Assembly
 void Deployment.setAssembly(Assembly assembly)

Constructors in org.figure8.join.businessobjects.environment with parameters of type Assembly
Deployment(java.lang.String applicantId, java.lang.String applicantComments, EnvironmentMapping mapping, Assembly assembly, Target target)
          Creates a new instance of Deployment with mandatory attributes.

Uses of Assembly in

Methods in with parameters of type Assembly
 java.util.Properties AssemblyPropertiesExtractor.extract(Assembly assembly)
          Extract a set of properies from the given assembly.
 java.util.Properties AssemblyPropertiesExtractor.extract(Assembly assembly, java.lang.String prefix)
          Extract a set of properies from the given assembly.

Uses of Assembly in org.figure8.join.view

Methods in org.figure8.join.view that return Assembly
 Assembly EnvironmentView.getDeployedAssembly()

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